Virtual Consultations

Over the years, many patients and professionals not living close to Dr. Weddle have asked for an evaluation of their situations and a treatment approach. Please supply the requested information below for a virtual consultation with Dr. Michelle Weddle.

Call Our Office

(908) 561-0225

Existing Patients

(908) 561-0225

Requested Information for Consultation with Dr. Michelle Weddle

If you would like Dr. Weddle’s professional opinion and recommendations regarding your situation, or if you are a dental professional who would like an opinion on a case, please send the following information via secure email, google drive, USPS, UPS, FedEx or other method. Note: transmission of medical information via insecure methods are not recommended.

Dr. Michelle Weddle bio photo
Dr. Michelle Weddle bio photo tall

Submit the Following Information

After we receive you information, we will contact you to schedule a consultation. Long-distance consultations usually last approximately 45 minutes and take place on select Fridays. Pictures & x-rays will not be returned.

There is a fee of $300.00 for this service.

Follow-up Virtual Consultations

Follow-up virtual consultations are available to discuss your case. If you would like to have a follow-up virtual consultation to discuss specific questions or next steps in your treatment, we are able to schedule it on select Fridays.

The fee for a follow-up consultation is $85.00 for 15-20 minute follow-up sessions. Please send any additional information since the last time you saw Dr. Weddle. Ideally, we will receive this information two weeks prior to your scheduled consultation. Please contact us at (908) 561-0225 or if you have any questions or want to email information. We’re very much looking forward to speaking with you!